About Flinders Flicks SA

Flinders Flicks is a film society which was started in Quorn, South Australia in late 2007 and since then, films have been screened for members on and off over the years. We are currently presenting movies in partnership with Great Northern Lodge and Conference Centre in Quorn, so that we can have a social night in a comfortable venue and a movie room feel. We occasionally screen films in the Quorn Town Hall or outdoors at the Quorn Caravan Park.

The Flinders Flicks film society offers members a social gathering to enjoy interesting, hard to find movies in a friendly local place. Flinders Flicks offers our community in Quorn, as well as visiting tourists and film makers, the opportunity to see locally produced films, Australian films, short films and “stuff we found in the shed” in a relaxed, intimate and friendly environment… a bit like visiting your friends for a movie night!

If you are keen to participate in conversation, you can join our facebook page… www.facebook.com/flindersflicksSA

You can also join our mailing list here.  We will email you about the next movies being screened. 


How do I join?

Membership is a low quarterly or annual fee, and includes entry to screenings (free or at a discount rate), and access to our collection of films, and special offers for volunteers. See the membership page for more details.


Volunteers and Ushers

We run through volunteer support, but its very easy – set up and pack down is usually only half an hour either side of the screenings. Training is straightforward so if you want to learn a new skill and enjoy the bonus of being allowed to occasionally borrow equipment for your own use in return for your support, then please get in touch.


Which movies do Flinders Flicks Play?

Flinders Flicks is a film society and films are chosen based on members recommendations. So if you really want to see something, talk about it with the committee and we will organise it with your help and interest. Sometimes people want to see an old favourite, organise a fundraiser, or see something new. Its all possible, that’s why its great to be a film society… because its all about what the members want.

Some of the films screened in the past have been Aussie films from the National Film and Sound Archive, and rare or classic films, or films that people really want to see. Most films are M or MA15+ but we try to show Family (G or PG) rating films when we can. Of interest are films made round the Flinders Ranges that haven’t been screened in… yonks. We’re getting together a bit of a library of these and classic Australian films, so that local people have the chance to see how the area has featured in films over the last century! Members naturally have access to this library.

See some of our past films and articles about films made in the area, here.