Author Archive

2009: “It’s a wrap!”

Posted by on December 1st, 2009

2009 is the second year that films have been regularly screened in Quorn. This year we tried a few different ways of marketing, using the Mercury to put in a schedule at the start of the year, and doing a 4 month program which was letterbox dropped throughout Quorn mid year. Programming films for several months at a time is very hard work and although its great to have time to promote films in advance, we lost flexibility to add in new films. Other ways we looked at promoting were letters to our members, posters, emails out, and last but not least, a big banner stuck on the side of my van!

We boldly go... Portable Flinders Flicks Signage!

We boldly go... Portable Flinders Flicks Signage!

Of course as always our best ways of getting people to come along was word of mouth, so we’re really grateful to our dedicated members who came regularly and invited friends and neighbours. Having new faces and people to meet has kept it interesting.


Film Maker in Residence 2009

Posted by on April 25th, 2009

The Flinders Ranges Bush Festival was established in 2007 by community members with the aim of bringing visitors to the community, developing skills and generating awareness of the region’s culture and heritage.  It was recognised that film culture was of special interest and this became a significant highlight of the new festival, with Flinders Flicks (a recently formed film development society) providing screenings and workshops to the festival program.

In the second year of the Flinders Ranges Bush Festival, Flinders Flicks created an opportunity for a filmmaker in residence project by sourcing $600 funding support through Country Arts SA and $800 contributions from local community groups.  This small amount of funding enabled local oral historian and emerging filmmaker, John Mannion, to come to Quorn to conduct interviews and record unique aspects of the town during the Flinders Ranges Bush Festival.


Film Sources

Posted by on January 23rd, 2009

This is a rough list of possible sources for films and film makers, to be compiled into better info later!

SA state library
ACMI Library
Media Resource Centre
National Film & Video Lending Service
Gordana Bacic – Big Screen
jo fleming 02 8202 0108 sydney short films
Australian Film Commission (Now part of Screen Australia) bec somerton cath mcintyre – project officers for doc / edu / short film contacts

Local Film Makers

Posted by on January 1st, 2009

This is a rough list of local film makers working in or near the Flinders Ranges – as at 1/1/2009 – will be updated into a better list and reference in 2010.

John Mannion – local oral historian who has been collecting stories of the region from older residents. John recently started film making and has produced a couple of documentaries which have been screened locally through Flinders Flicks. One of these “last train to nowhere” depicts the demolition of the historic Terowie Railway line in 2008.

Malcolm McKinnon – Reckless Eye Media – has a home base at Pekina but mostly is working from a studio in Melbourne.
Malcolm has worked in the region on documentaries such as
Train stories – film to coincidewith the re-enactment of federation and train link up. Documentaries about the Aboriginal mission at Maree and the stories from the community there. Also a series of films for the Melrose Museum about Nukunu language and culture.

Monty Luke – no other info known at this time

Daniel Campers – film and digital media maker living in Quorn. Makes own digital films in which he writes, animates, acts parts and writes the music.

Jared Thomas – has been involved in making short documentaries for and about Aboriginal families, culture and heritage. Has worked with Malcolm on a couple of projects.

Dave Wade – based at Whyalla, makes short films with comic twist. Best known on the 48hr film making circuit where he has won some awards.

Quorn Area School – schoolteachers such as Jodie Lee have worked on media projects with students.

Film Makers who have worked in the area

Tall Storeez – worked with young people in Quorn to produce some fun films including “Legends of Quorn”.

Rachel Ward – Beautiful Kate – filming in Wilpena Pound

Other references:

More info later… we’re working on this slowly :)
If you wish to contribute please make contact.