Film suggestions
Posted by Cindi Drennan on December 3rd, 2009
These are some of the recent film suggestions people have said they would like to see in Quorn.
- Opal Dream
- Dr Plonk – good for kids
- Bush Mechanics
- Crackerbag by exit films – other films by Exit
- Proof – Russel Crowe
- Sum of Us –
- Not quite Hollywood
- Australia
- The Last Ride
- Black balloon
- Unfinished Sky
- Children of the Silk Road
- Death Defying Acts (late 2007)
- wolf creek
- black water
- accolyte
- tasmania cannibals
- vampire zombie brisbane for halloween 31 october
- the last ride – madman
- elouise
- salt – lake eyre (?)
- helens beautiful coat
- samson and delilah
- The return of hercules – effie and co (could be good with “not quite hollywood”