Flinders Flicks Constitution
Posted by flinders flicks committee on August 6th, 2008
Flinders Flicks is run as a film society with a membership base, which provides benefits such as access to the National Film and Video Lending Service, Screening Rights assistance and support from the Victorian Federation of Film Societies (which our society is a member of). The constitution is provided here for members’ reference.
CONSTITUTION for Flinders Flicks Film Society
Adopted (date) 6 August 2008
The Organisation shall be known as FLINDERS FLICKS film society hereinafter referred to as the Society.
The objects of the Society shall be:
2.1 To encourage interest in the film as an art and as a medium of information and education by means of the exhibition of films of all kinds.
2.2 To promote the study and appreciation of film by means of lectures, discussions, exhibitions and publications.
2.3 To support, promote and encourage young film makers, local film makers and professional film makers to make films in the Flinders Ranges.
Membership shall be open to the public at an annual subscription rate that will be fixed by the Society on recommendation by the Committee of Management.
4.1 The management of the Society shall rest with a committee consisting of up to 8 members including a President, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers as may be appointed from time to time by the members of the Society.
4.2 A quorum of the committee shall consist of a majority of its members.
4.3 The committee shall be empowered to co-opt members to the committee for specific projects or functions as required. This co-option will cease when the project is complete or at the next AGM, whichever occurs first.
5.1 The Treasurer will present prior to or at the Annual General Meeting of the Society a statement of the financial affairs of the Society since the previous Annual General Meeting, which shall have been audited by some qualified person who is not a member of the committee.
5.2 The Society shall be non‑profitmaking and any balance at the end of the year shall be carried forward to furthering the objects of the Society.
5.3 The officers and members of the committee shall not receive payment either direct or indirect for their services or for other than legitimate expenses incurred in their work on behalf of the Society.
6.1 An Annual General Meeting will be held once each calender year and not more than eighteen months after the previous Annual General Meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be in writing and circulated to all financial members at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
6.2 A report of the activities of the Society since the last Annual General Meeting will be made at each Annual General Meeting.
6.3 The committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting following their appointment.
6.4 The quorum for an Annual General Meeting to be at least one quarter of all financial members.
6.5 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the committee or upon a request in writing being made to the Secretary and signed by at least one quarter of all financial members of the Society stating the nature of the business to be considered.
6.6 The Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice of a Special General Meeting to all financial members of the Society. The notice shall be in writing stating the nature of the business to be considered.
6.7 The quorum for a Special General Meeting shall be one quarter of all financial members.
No alteration to the Constitution shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Society, provided that any proposed alteration will have been circulated in writing to all financial members at least one month prior to the meeting and that the proposals shall be supported by a simple majority of the financial members present at the meeting.
In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved within 14 days a person acceptable to all of the disputing parties shall be nominated to act as a mediator.
The Society will not be wound up except by resolution of three quarters of those members present at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. In the event of the winding up of the Society the remaining assets and funds shall not be distributed amongst members of the Society, but shall be devoted to objects similar to those of the Society and approved by the majority of members present.